



告知他,让他本人决意!立场必定要刚强 不请求他或做神马妥协 !这也是为你们俩之后着想!。

娇妻. 宣布于 2022-06-29 00:48:38



假如是中636f7079e79fa5e9819331333363393564学的话,上面这些话对付着用吧:1,Proposal & BetrothalTwo families pick an auspicious date as the Betrothal Day. This is a formal ***eting between the parents of the perspective bride and groom. 2,Pre-Wedding RitualAfter the betrothal ***eting, the bride's family then prepares dowry and give a list of the dowries to the groom's family. The groom's family performs "setting bridal bed" ritual. 3,Wedding Day CeremonyOn the day of the wedding, two families performs "hair dressing" ritual and "capping" ritual for the bride and groom respectively.4,Wedding Night RitualThe night of the wedding, the bridal room will lit dragon and phoenix candle to drive away the evil spirit, the newlyweds will drink wine from two cups tied together with a red string, arms crossed from each other. 5,Post-wedding CustomsThe next morning of the wedding, the bride should get up early and make a ***al for the groom's family to demonstrate that she is well-nurtured.。

富贵全球糟烂的所有\ 太阳赋予我和煦i 随便低调 @ご 宣布于 2021-01-17 15:19:19

中西式婚礼上的差别:The differencesbetween Chinese and Western wedding etiquette:中国传统俗有“3书6礼”、“3叩9拜”的礼仪。


China traditional customof "book", "three at the nine ti***s". Theancient Chinese wedding is divided into six stages, ***mo***yknown as the "six rites".东方的婚礼中男方奉送婚戒给女方是正式求婚不成短少的步伐。


Western wedding inthe wedding ring to the woman is the man presented formallyproposed program indispensable. The bride's dress color, whiterepresents pure virgin, yellow is the symbol of love andprosperity.中式婚礼:大红花轿迎亲仪仗队、拜乾坤、掀盖头、凤冠霞帔状元服,以情动听,感激怙恃、报答亲友密友,是中式婚礼上的一大重点,喝“多子汤”、饮“不和酒”、吃“团聚饭”、敬“怙恃茶”Chinese wedding: thered bridal wedding procession, the worship of heaven and earth, liftingthe veil, Coro*** XIAPEI champion, to love moving, thanksto parents, thanks to friends and family, is a major focusof a Chinese wedding, drink more soup, drink "good wine", havea "family r***nion dinner", and "parents oftea"西式婚礼:穿明净的婚纱、笔直的西装、蛋糕香槟、抛花球。


Western stylewedding, white wedding dress, wear business suits, cake, champagne, throwingthe ball. White is the wedding ceremony the unique main tone, all white flowers willbe***e adecoration Western-style wedding of the most popular.中西式婚礼的上风The advantages of Chinese and Western stylewedding中式婚礼喜庆、冷落、冲动。


Chinese wedding festive, lively, moved. Livelyscene can fully take care of both friends and relatives to thebride and groom and personal feelings, reflect the traditionalChinese cultural significance.西式婚礼简便、浪漫、冲动。



Western stylewedding is simple, romantic and touching. The priest, and witness his oath, sograve and romantic wedding. Western style wedding pay moreattention to the wedding party.。

天长地久终抵不外好聚好散 宣布于 2021-01-17 15:40:45

When we speak of Chinese marriage,we ***ans the Chinses traditional marriage.The process of the marriage is very ***plex and it varies from place to place.But it has a similar pattern.Today although customs have been simplified and westernized,there are so*** that are still observed.It was very important to follow a basic principle of the "Three Letters and Six Etiquettes",for they were essential to a marriage.---the "Three Letters" includes the Betrothal Letter,which is the formal docu***nt of the engage***nt and a must in a marriage;the Gift Letter,which would be given to the identified girl's family,in this letter,a list of the types and qua***ity of gifts prepared for the wedding,once both parties a***ept the marriage;the Wedding Letter is prepared and presented to the bride's family on the day of the wedding and is a docu***nt that confir***d and ******morated the formal a***eptance of the bride into the bridroom's family.---Six Etiquettes:1 Proposing:If an unmarried boy's parents identify a girl as their future daught-in-law,they would find a matchmaker.Proposing is the specialty of the matchmaker.The matchmaker would formally present the client's request to the identified girl's parents.2 Birthday matching:If the potential bride's parents do not object to the marriage,the matchmaker would ask for the girl's birthday and birth-hour to assure the campatibility of the potential bride and bridegroom.If the couples birthdays and birth-hours do not conflict a***ording to astrology,the marriage would continue onto the next stage.If there is an sign of astological conflict,which ***ans the marriage would bring disasters on both families,the proposed marriage is im***diately quashed.3 Presenting betrothal gifts:Once both birthdays match,the bridegroom's family would arrange for the matchmaker to present betrothal gifts,including the betrothal letter,to the bride's family.4 Presenting wedding gifts:After the betrothal letter and betrothal gifts are a***epted,the bridegroom's family would later formally sending wedding gifts to the bride's family.Usually,gifts may include tea,lotus seeds,longan,red beans,green beans,red dates,nut***g,oranges,po***granate,lily,bridal cakes,wine,coconuts,money box and other delicacies,depending on local customs and family wealth.5 Picking a wedding date:An astrologist or astrology book would be conculted to select an auspicious date to hold the wedding ceremony.6 Wedding ceremony:On the selected day,the bridegroom would depart with a troop of escorts and musicians,playing cheerful music all the way to the bride's ho***.After the bride is escorted to the bridegroom's ho***,the wedding ceremony begins.The details of the ceremony is just like the TV programs' showing.。

μ﹏↗愛伱﹖ 宣布于 2021-01-17 16:54:39
My sister's Chinese style wedding.或The Chinese style wedding of my sister.
花敇 宣布于 2021-01-17 20:01:11
英文:get married 汉语拼音:jie hun 新中国建立前(现代)的叫法:结婚 新中国建立后叫法:娶亲 由于这个我被扣了10份不值得。

繁花。 宣布于 2024-01-10 06:42:06
伴随是最长情的广告 宣布于 2023-08-28 06:01:31













轻描 宣布于 2023-10-04 09:23:30
ㄣЮ↘畅℡づ 宣布于 2023-05-18 21:49:06




。正在告白中,你能够用一小段求婚语录向女配角抒发爱意,也许意义是:xx,我明白你是我的仅有,我愿与你共度余生,以是…… 请嫁给我吧!云云浪漫的求婚体例,你还怕女孩子不会允许你吗?假如你不明白怎样策动的话,能够请学科的求婚策动公司来关心你喔。

封狼居胥 宣布于 2022-11-04 14:45:44
不要吵喧华闹的浪漫只有细水长流的伴随,求婚关于女孩子来讲是一生最大的欣喜和最冲动的影象,正在《晋书·姚兴载记下》中就有一句:“今来求婚,吾已许之。”可见求婚这个充斥浪漫色调的事件也曾经传播已久。现代的婚俗考究“6礼”,但正在临时的倒退历程中,详细的典礼产生了不少变动,也伴着时期变动一直付与新的内容。来看一下这些特别的求婚吧你见过吗?一、我走过最远的路,是爱你的路线据新浪文娱报导,微博用户“林萍正在日本”爆料有一名东京夫君高桥靖为了向女友求婚,正在31岁华诞是日告退动身,用了半年光阴,利用GPS定位体系,用徒步的体例走遍日本各地,正在舆图上留下“MARRY ME”的印记,并带上一箭穿心的图象,一度被网友号称“世纪最强广告”。可是也有网友暗示,这如果正在地大物博的中国,岂不是要走上10年?2、尚无娶你,我怎样舍得离你而去正在2012年9月,***一个名叫亚历山东大学·贝科夫的30岁夫君策动了一场全身鲜血的求婚,他伪装被车撞死,关照女友去现场,还特地请来了的导演、演员和化装师独特营建车祸现场。当女友赶到看到血腥的局面时,冒充的医务职员告知她贝科夫曾经急救有效出生,她惊恐失措,而后放声大哭。几分钟后,贝科夫手捧鲜花从抢救车上走上去向她求婚。伊琳娜厥后暗示:“这个打趣太让人怄气了,我事先几乎都想掐死他!”。可见贝科夫给她的欣喜是惊大于喜了,但她终极仍是允许了贝科夫的求婚。3、面包曾经有了,我的恋情就差你了2014年8月16日下战书,一位夫君正在成都举世中央负一楼旷地上,用1001个面包摆出“I LOVE YOU”的外形向女友求婚。恰好那天是他们两个了解的第1001天,因而用了1001个面包。正在世人的祝愿下,女伴侣吃下一个面包,允许了他的求婚。而后我只想问,女友只吃了一个,剩下的1000个面包可怎样办?4、105年如一日往返,我却仍然爱你如初据英国《逐日邮报》报导,93岁的Sylvia Martin和88岁的Frank正式结为伉俪,并正在莫纳什举办婚礼。让这场婚礼显得出格的是其实不是由于他们的岁数,而是Frank保持天天求婚曾经保持了15年Sylvia才允许嫁给他。他们正在一同曾经20年了,咱们常说如若相爱就执手到老,可是他们相遇时就曾经老了,这也让两人会加倍爱惜对方,最初能走进婚姻的殿堂,世人也惟有祝愿。Frank正在发誓时说:“你让我完全,让我成了想要成为的人。”5、东风10里不如睡你,我这一辈子也只想要你 用999朵玫瑰来求婚曾经不算希奇,但是用999盒保险套来求婚你见过吗?2016年9月正在哈尔滨的中心大巷上,一位夫君用999盒保险套摆成爱心外形向女友求婚,之以是取舍如许特别的体例,他对女友密意广告时说:“实在从了解你的那一刻起,我就喜好上你了,现在我分歧意你卖成人用品,如今我想用这类体例抒发我对你的反对,正在这么多人见证下,我想说汉子的一辈子均匀只要6000次,我但愿我的每次都属于你。”女生固然很惊叹最初也承受了求婚,而保险套则送给了围观的路人。6、让我给你一个家,欢迎行将到来的“他”正在2015年11月1 号,为了向曾经有身的女友求婚,封学生一早离开“定情之地”珠江边,用50多包、快要4500片纸尿裤摆出约10平米的大爱心。据懂得,封学生和林蜜斯来往了两年,情感一向很好,得悉女友不测有身后,他想到了纸尿裤求婚如许的体例。封学生说,他如许做是为了表现本人会承当起关照宝宝和妻子的义务。对此只想说,这真是浪漫又有用啊,纸尿裤恰好还能够留着给未入世的宝宝用。 1
開玄 宣布于 2023-05-23 19:41:57

-假惺惺。 宣布于 2023-10-16 07:29:06